
Craftsmen on the Streets


Dov Abramson


Elad Lifshitz, Bina Katz, Gal Shoham Schechter, Dganit Rodovsky, Tali Megidish, Yishai Greisman, Mirit Effi, Nadav (Machete) Yahel, Nilly Dvir, Ofer Winter, Amit Rimon, Shira Cohen, Shimon Engel and Tiferet Sigala

Jerusalem Light Rail stations on Jaffa St Central Station, Ha-Turim, Mahane Yehuda and City Hall

In the same streets where nowadays product managers, coaches, lighting designers, and wellness experts rush to work, tanners, bookbinders, cobblers, and watchmakers used to hurry to their workshops. The 39 crafts, from which the halakhic prohibitions on craft on the Shabbat are derived, are a fascinating range of occupations and activities. With new and surprising visual expressions of these diverse crafts, we will take a closer look at the work world, which on the one hand seems to change all the time, and on the other hand, its foundations remain unchanged from the dawn of mankind. The works are displayed on the Jerusalem Light Railway stations, the “Neural Network” of the craftsman and craftswomen working in the city.

Illustration: בינה כץ