
Drawing as Handwriting


Michal Bonano


Avishay Adler, Amit Elkayam, Rotem Banet, Shir Benayoun, Darina Jabr, Reut Dallal, Maya Dana, Aviv Chen, Iftach Mann, Shachar Pinchas Greenwald, Shachar Tsoor, Ronza Kamel, Omer Kimhi, Maayan Rohar, Yarden Shaul, Maria Shevtsov and Ori Tirosh

‘New Spirit’ House (Old ‘Shaare Zedek’ Hospital) Jaffa St 161

Line, mark, doodle. What is drawing? What is the difference between drawing and illustration? Free drawing from observation, as a means of personal expression, drawing as handwriting. The exhibition features drawings and works by students from the Department of Visual Communication at Bezalel, created as part of the “handwriting” course over one semester. The students worked in large and small scale, drew outdoors and inside, on the desk and on the wall, trying to let go of “the concept” and follow the line, wherever it takes them…

Illustration: אורי תירוש