

Eli Babajanov and Tamar Ben-Joya


Eli Babajanov, Gavriel Yawit, Yuval Salingar and Tamar Ben-Joya

The Gallery at Jaffa 17 Jaffa St. 17

The exhibition is a personal and common journey of four illustrators from four different areas of Israel – places where the urban space meets the wilderness. Between the mountains encircling Carmiel, through the towers around Jerusalem’s Gazelle Valley, the outskirts of Yeruham, to the smell of the sea from the Haifaite Bat Galim neighborhood, each illustrator will take the viewer on a journey of disassembly and assembly between poignant reality and soothing escapism, unfolding a visual tale of nature, man, and spacetime.

Illustration: Ktzavot c