


Daniela Olejnikova, Matus Matatko, Anina Menge, Nikolal Ogosova, Shimrit Elkanati, Yaron Steinberg, Lena Guberman


Lital Marcus Morin, Noa Kelner

Slovakian Institute King David st. 19

The word crisis comes from Latin, and originates in Greek. The noun derives from the verb κρίνω krinō, which means “to notice”, “to choose”, “to decide”.

The exhibition showcases works by illustrators from Israel, Czech Repulic, and Slovakia, weaving a narrative that spreads across continents and cultures. Glass cities built from shreds, self-portrait masks, a blurry landscape, a wild and unpredictable botanical world – all come together to form a human experience at a time of crisis. Destruction and rebirth, chaos and order, despair and hope.

The exhibition offers a glance onto the crossroads that can arise from crisis – “post-traumatic growth”, demonstrating how growth is not necessarily linear, and often involves struggle.
